Call for Scholar candidates MITRA Second semester of Academic year 2022-2023
Within the EMJMD (Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree) MITRA – Transnational Migrations framework, scholarships offered by the European Commission will be awarded to European and third-country scholars (academics and professionals) in accordance with the following criteria:
- Scholarships can be awarded to scholars enrolled in any third-country HEI [1] who will be selected by the MITRA consortium to contribute to the joint programme within the European partner institutions.
The amount of the remuneration is determined according to the amounts of coverage set by the European Union. The scholarship covers the travel price and the cost of accommodation and food per day, according to the calculations set by the EACEA.
The programme provides for three types of physical mobility:
- Long-term mobility: duration 14 days/ 12 to 16 hours of teaching
- Intermediate mobility: 7 days / 6 to 8 teaching hours
- Short mobility: 3 days / 3 to 4 hours of instruction
The programme also provides for the possibility of exceptional long-distance mobility, in times of health crises preventing international mobility only. In this case, the amount of the grant is calculated on the basis of the teaching hours given (see Annex 2).
EMMC scholars holding an Erasmus Mundus scholarship must:
- Commit themselves to actively participate in the master's course activities
- Perform teaching/research/student tutoring activities
- Contribute, after their visiting scholar activities, to the promotion and dissemination of the Erasmus Mundus Programme in general, and of MITRA in particular, in their HEI and countries of origin.
Applicants will be selected on the basis of compatibility of their experience with the MITRA curriculum:
- On the theme of transnational migrations in order to question the social and cultural changes and resulting policies that now extend to the global society.
- And/or specific themes in relation to international migrations
Teaching will be in French or in English
The mobility will be effective from February to June 2023 (semester 2) in one of the following universities:
- University of Wroclaw in Poland
- Babes-Bolyai University in Cluj-Napoca in Romania
Check-list of documents required for applications: (in English or French)
- Letter of intent including the place, duration, dates and speciality of the master concerned
- A detailed description of the applicant’s possible contribution to the MITRA Master Course
- Modalities of participation in the fields of research linked to MITRA
- CV
- Two publications
Interested scholars must apply to the MITRA Consortium by sending the complete scanned application package in one PDF documents to
Deadline for sending applications: September 30, 2022 – 10:00 a.m. (Paris time)The application files will be submitted and evaluated by the coordinators of the host university
For further information, please contact:
Results will be communicated at the beginning of October
[1] Third-country scholars : scholars enrolled in higher education institutions from countries other than a Member State of the European Union or an EEA-EFTA State (Iceland, Norway, and Lichtenstein), who are neither residents nor have carried out their main activity for more than a total of 12 months as from the 28th of February 2010 in one of these countries.